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    Month: October 2012

    Does Your Smile Make a Good First Impression?

    When you meet someone for the first time in person, it only takes a few seconds for them to assess your body language. Your smile can be the difference between success or failure in business, love, and any other relationships.

    Protect Your Teeth from Halloween Candy

    Kids always get reprimanded for eating too much Halloween candy, but no one is really policing the adults. So here are some friendly reminders about how to behave before, after, and on October 31, and how best to indulge in any candy treats.

    Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer?

    It’s estimated that by the end of this year, 40,000 people will have been newly diagnosed with oral cancer. Unfortunately, oral cancer is often not detected until it is in the late stages. Far too many people avoid regular trips to the dentist – which means they’re also not receiving that all-important oral exam.

    The 411 on Sugar-Free Gum

    Looking for a convenient way to protect your oral health in addition to brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash? Clinical studies have shown that 20 minutes of chewing sugarless gum following a meal can help prevent tooth decay.

    The Perks of Invisible Braces

    Once a person decides to invest in getting their teeth straightened, they still might prefer that the world not know about how they’re managing their oral health. Thankfully, “metal mouth” is no longer the only option.