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    Gentle Dentistry – Putting Your Fears to Rest

    Dental fear is not uncommon, and if you find yourself dreading your next dental appointment, you are not alone.  Dr. Cirka, Expanded-Function Dental Assistants Keila and Patrice, and Registered Hygienists Kimberly, Jennifer, Eva, and Laurawork around the clock at Philadelphia Dentistry to provide the most convenient, thorough, and gentle care in a relaxed and soothing environment.


    Once you find a dentist and staff that you can trust, it’s also important for you, the patient, to understand your own fear so you can be a part of the solution.  There are different ways that fear of dentistry is experienced:

    DENTAL ANXIETY is basically a fear of the unknown.  Anxiety is a common emotion, mainly felt by patients who are about to have a new procedure or treatment they haven’t had or heard of before.

    DENTAL FEAR is a reaction to a danger that is known, in which a patient’s anxiety is triggered by an unpleasant past experience.  Dental fear generally occurs when a patient is faced with a similar or the same situation as was unpleasant.

    DENTAL PHOBIA is a very intense dental fear.  With a phobia, the person experiences extreme fear just thinking about or being reminded of the threatening situation.  This person may avoid dental care as opposed to being open to it and just afraid to commit.

    Once you can identify which type of dental fear best describes your situation, it will be easier to overcome.  We offer a free consultation so you can experience our comfortable, clean, office and kind, gentle staff with no strings attached.

    Please call us at (215)568-6222 to set up a time to meet with Dr. Cirka.