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    Month: October 2020

    National Dental Hygiene Month

    The month of October is National Dental Hygiene Month! In honor of the national month, we are going to showcase our team’s hygienists. Our hygiene team consists of Rachel, Jen, Sara, and Alyssa. Tooth be told, our hygienists are rock stars! Rachel has been with our team since 2019. She serves on Pennsylvania’s Dental Hygiene National Dental Hygiene Month

    Best and Worst Candy For Your Teeth

    BOO! It’s spooky season. Everyone’s sweet tooth comes out during October. Halloween is right around the corner and you see candy everywhere. There’s candy in the breakroom at work, your parent’s kitchen, and filling the grocery store aisles. It’s no secret that candy isn’t the best thing for your teeth. However, when eating it in Best and Worst Candy For Your Teeth