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    Smile! Why white teeth are a sign of good health.

    It looks like your parents were right when they lectured you about the importance of dental hygiene; however they may not have known all the reasons why. A study has confirmed what we already know – that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth makes people seem more attractive, but the study has also explained the reason why we find this so attractive! It is because healthy teeth are the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail – a sign of health and genetic quality designed to help choose a mate

    Perfect SmilesResearchers from the universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire in England took pictures of models before digitally changing the color and spacing of their teeth.

    Three shades were used – a yellowish brown, healthy white, and brilliant white, which can only be achieved by bleaching.

    They then showed the photos to 150 young men and women and asked them how attractive they found the models.

    Unsurprisingly, yellow teeth were unpopular, while widely spaced teeth were also deemed less attractive. The researchers determined that when we see someone with yellow or unhealthy teeth it sends off red flags in our subconscious which tells us the person is not healthy in some way, therefore they are not a good potential mate. Of course, when it comes to dentistry healthy teeth and gums are our number one goal. But it is just as important to us to help our patients feel great about their smiles! Bleaching is a quick and painless way to make your smile stand out! Call us today at (215) 568-6222 to schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your options for whitening your teeth with Dr. Cirka.  He gets amazing results with whitening and we can schedule an appointment that works with your schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon!