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    7 Ways a Good Smile Can Improve Your Career

    March 20, 2015
    10 years ago

    Career successYour resume is the first thing a potential employer sees about you. When your qualifications are all on paper you can impress just about anyone. But what will your potential employer think of you when you finally meet face-to-face? Are your teeth in tip-top shape for the interview? Because if they’re not, your career could feel the impact. You might not get hired, you might lose a promotion, or you may just bomb with a client who was otherwise a sure thing, and all because your smile could look better, much better.

    A good smile makes you look:

    Smarter. You thought those hard-earned qualifications or letters after (or preceding) your name were all that matters? Think again. In the professional world, your smile will make you look smarter than any number of degrees. A digital perception study conducted by Kelton Research for Invisalign found that Americans believe people with straight teeth are 45 percent more likely to land the job than someone who has similar qualifications, but also has crooked teeth.

    Wealthier. Look at the before-and-after photos of people who have undergone smile makeovers. Broken-down smiles make people look far less successful than they might actually be. Kelton found that people with good teeth are seen as 58 percent more likely to be wealthy and successful. A simple professional tooth whitening treatment can make all the difference.

    Younger. Something that makes you look younger, and therefore more vibrant and valuable as an employee? Who doesn’t want that kind of asset in their professional arsenal? Here’s the secret: It’s your smile. Spruce it up with teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or Invisalign, and you can give others the impression that you’re younger than you actually are.

    Healthier. A white, straight, natural-looking smile achieved through restorative dentistry or cosmetic dentistry boosts your appearance, but it also improves your health. A clean smile will make you look good, but it will also be strong enough to allow you to eat and properly digest all the foods that will keep you well. The Kelton study found that people with straight teeth are 47 percent more likely to be viewed as healthy.

    More confident. You may be the most articulate, intelligent person in the room, but if people are so focused on the sad state of your teeth, they’ll never hear what you’re saying. And maybe you are afraid to speak up because you’re self-conscious of your teeth. Think of all the innovative ideas that might not be shared because someone is ashamed of their smile.

    More attractive. Let’s face it, looks matter. In a perfect world, they would have zero impact on your career (or you love life) but the reality is that your appearance affects your level of professional, social, and personal success in this world. And looking good is the way to go. Start with your teeth.

    More trustworthy. No matter what your profession, you need people to trust you, with their lives, money, property, children, or plumbing. Close to three in four Americans – 73 percent – are more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone who has good clothes or a nice car. Turns out, dressing the part isn’t the only key to success.

    There are so many ways to improve your smile which will, in turn, help you achieve career success. Invisalign is one way to straighten your smile on the down-low as you go about your professional life. But you can also recreate your smile in just two visits to your cosmetic dentist by getting porcelain veneers, Cerinate Lumineers, dental implants, and in-office professional teeth whitening. Contact Dr. Ken Cirka at Philadelphia Dentistry to discuss your oral health needs.

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