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    Love to Laugh

    Do you love to laugh? We all know the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Laughing is scientifically proven to benefit our mental health. It feels good to be surrounded by loved ones, hear a funny story, or to laugh all night. Another saying, “Laughter is contagious,” also holds. If you hear people laughing, you will at least smile, too. Our brains naturally respond to the sound of laughter and prepare our muscles to join in on the fun too.

    Laughing can improve your physical wellbeing by boosting your immunity, bringing down pressure hormones, diminishing pain, and loosening up your muscles. Also, laughing improves the function of veins and enhances your bloodstream. So, we can all agree laughter is one of the greatest joys in life? For most, yes. For others, not so much. People who are insecure with their smiles result in feeling self-conscious while laughing. When we laugh, our mouths are exposed. For someone with smile insecurities, this can be a nightmare, as it would affect someone emotionally and take tolls on interpersonal relationships.

    At Philly Dentistry, we don’t want any of our patients living in a nightmare. We want people to feel confident with their smiles and to live a healthy life. We are smile makeover professionals and can take any ‘OK’ smile and transform it into an amazing smile!

    Let the results speak for themselves. Our patients come into our office with all kinds of dental concerns. The great thing about our practice is that every visit is customized to meet the needs of each patient. Our number one priority is to give you your confidence back, so you can live a happy life full of laughter.

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