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Drs. Cirka, Jeon & Ridge
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    MDA Muscle Walk

    July 18, 2018
    6 years ago

    some staff at MDA walk 2018

    Above is a few of the staff at Philly Dentistry during the 2018 MDA Muscle Walk. Dr. Cirka, Erin, Sara, Dr. Jeon, Alex, Jaq, Sandy and her twins enjoying the walk to raise money for muscular dystrophy diseases.

    MDA Muscle Walk empowers individuals in hometowns across America to raise critical awareness and funds for muscle-debilitating diseases that severely weaken muscle strength and mobility. This is more than a walk. MDA Muscle Walk is a life-changing experience that unites families, friends, neighbors and local businesses to forge powerful connections, celebrate the strength of MDA families and transform hope into answers.

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