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(215) 568-6222

Same Day Appointments Available

    Not All Veneers Are Made the Same. You Deserve the Best, So Accept No Imitations.

    Traditional veneers are generally thicker, and thus require more aggressive and irreversible removal of healthy tooth structure. The extensive preparation technique frequently requires shots and anesthesia to minimize sensitivity and pain, and typically involves placement of acrylic temporaries for over two weeks between visits. The minimally invasive Lumineers technique typically eliminates the need for shots or temporaries, so while you wait for your custom-made Lumineers, you’ll look great and feel great. While many dentists offer veneers, not all dentists have been trained to deliver the signature benefits of Lumineers, so make sure you consult with Dr. Cirka who is a master at Lumineers!


    You can put your best smile forward in as little as an hour with our teeth whitening options. We have the ability to transform dull, dingy smiles into masterpieces. Don’t hide your smile any longer! Contact us today to schedule your teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Cirka!