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Custom Bleach Whitening Trays

This month’s special at Philadelphia Dentistry will get your teeth ready for the summer months ahead. While most dentistry’s can charge up to $800 for custom bleach whitening trays, Philly Dentistry is offering this great deal for only $169! Here are a few things you should know first about getting your custom bleach whitening trays. First Custom Bleach Whitening Trays

How Invisalign Works?

If you haven’t heard of the new way of straightening your teeth rather than traditional braces, then you need to hear about Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are designed to straighten your teeth like conventional orthodontics, without the metal brackets and wires. Philadelphia Dentistry develops the aligners from the X-rays, scans, photographs, and an evaluation of your How Invisalign Works?

Benefits of Dental Crowns

dental crown benefit

If your teeth are weak, chipped, cracked, fractured, decayed, aged, discolored or misshaped then you are a perfect candidate for dental crowns. What exactly is a dental crown? Dental crowns are strong natural looking dental solutions that are used to seal a tooth after a root canal procedure. When your teeth are badly damaged you Benefits of Dental Crowns

Benefits of Invisalign

Metal braces are a thing of the past. Forget those brackets, wires, and rubber bands, there is a faster, easier, invisible way of straightening your teeth. Invisalign is the new and affordable way to get that smile you always wanted. Here are a few things you need to know about the benefits of using Invisalign. Benefits of Invisalign

Tips to Maintain Healthy Gums

Everyone knows that they have to keep their teeth healthy, but many people don’t know that the health of their gums is just as vital. To maintain healthy gums here are some signs of healthy vs. nonhealthy gums. Healthy gums should be firm and pink (differs with complexion) and fit tightly around your teeth. They Tips to Maintain Healthy Gums

10 Uses for Your Old Toothbrushes

It is recommended by the American Dental Association to change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. Instead of discarding them immediately, we wanted to give you some ideas for uses for the old toothbrushes that come very much in handy! Not only will the old toothbrushes be useful in and around the house, they 10 Uses for Your Old Toothbrushes