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    Benefits of Dental Crowns

    March 5, 2018
    7 years ago

    If your teeth are weak, chipped, cracked, fractured, decayed, aged, discolored or misshaped then you are a perfect candidate for dental crowns. What exactly is a dental crown? Dental crowns are strong natural looking dental solutions that are used to seal a tooth after a root canal procedure. When your teeth are badly damaged you develop more of a risk for bacteria to travel through your mouth because chipped and cracked teeth create easy paths for plaque and harmful bacteria to move around. Do not wait if you are experiencing any oral health problems because the longer you wait the worse it will become and will result in either a root canal or even a tooth extraction.

    The benefits of dental crowns are great, especially at Philadelphia Dentistry where our doctors use the latest advanced dental technology to create and bond dental crowns. The number one benefit of dental crowns and most importantly is to relieve any discomfort you may be experiencing from your damaged teeth by placing a crown on the tooth to protect it against any future damage and prevent any sensitivity.linda b. before and after

    Many times, people assume getting dental crowns is a complex procedure that takes an immense amount of time. In fact, it is actually straightforward. Once the enamel of your teeth is clean and healthy one of our accomplished doctors will shape your tooth. This shaping of your tooth allows it to firmly hold the crown. After our doctors take an impression of the tooth it is then sent over to our trusted lab where expert technicians will create your custom crown. Once the crown is ready Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon or Dr. Smith will place it over your tooth with the best bonding cement money can buy.

    Dental crowns are custom made specifically for your smile. You’ll feel confident when your crown is made to the shape, color, fit, and size that matches your smile for an all-natural look. Another benefit is that dental crowns can enhance the appearance of your teeth. Since the crown actually goes over the tooth it can instantly fix problems such as, discoloration, misshapen teeth, chips, fractures, crookedness, and much more. These problems can be fixed promptly and look 100% natural which is why some people tend to get crowns just for the appearance much like porcelain veneers.

    With the proper care such as, brushing, flossing, and routine checkups and cleanings your dental crowns can last for decades, typically 10-20 years sometimes 30 years. The porcelain material that the crown is made of is extremely strong and durable and will protect your tooth from any future re-treatments.
    If you are experiencing any type of discomfort in your oral health and think that a dental crown or crowns could be the right fit for you, give us a call today at 215-568-6222 and if you’re a new patient you’ll receive a free consultation that includes an exam and cavity detection X-Rays.

    Try us out at no risk by scheduling your FREE first visit!

    or contact us today for a free consultation with Dr. Cirka, Dr. Jeon, or Dr. Ridge in our Center City, Philadelphia office.

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