Invisalign for Adults in Philadelphia

Braces for grown-ups? Absolutely. Invisalign has transformed the orthodontic options available to people who have long passed their teen years. Traditional metal braces are no longer reserved for adolescents alone, or the odd adult who finally needs to correct a painful misalignment. With the innovation of Invisalign for adults, the door has been opened to nearly any person who wants to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing that they’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Problems Corrected by Invisalign

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you went through junior high then you are familiar with unfortunate nicknames like “brace face” or “metal mouth.” No one wants to saddle themselves with that kind of title as an adult, not when you already have “CEO” or “PhD” after your name, or when you find yourself giving presentations, sales pitches, arguments, or lessons before a group of people regularly.

Thankfully, there is Invisalign. Clear, nearly invisible aligners make it possible for adults to enjoy the benefits of aligned teeth and an aligned bite while continuing with daily life without interruptions. If it has ever been recommended that you pursue orthodontic treatment, chances are you are dealing with crowded teeth, a crossbite, an underbite, an overbite, or an open bite. You may be a mouth breather, or your upper and lower jaws may not come together as they should. Many factors affect a person’s tooth alignment, and if you were simply unlucky enough to have the DNA that gives you a small palette or crooked teeth, then it’s time to be the adult you are and fix the problem.

Most of the misalignment problems that can be corrected by traditional metal braces can also be corrected by Invisalign. Visiting a Gold Provider of Invisalign for adults with a great deal of experience means you will get a customized orthodontic treatment that will accurately and efficiently straighten your teeth and bite.

Dedicate Yourself to Invisalign Treatment

A good smile is important. Knowing that your smile is attractive and appealing helps you feel more confident about yourself, your appearance, and your patterns of speech. But the wearer of Invisalign must be dedicated to their orthodontic treatment, perhaps even more so than the wearer of traditional metal braces. The patient who uses Invisalign must rigorously follow their treatment plan, which is created by their Philadelphia Invisalign provider at the start of treatment and updated as needed. It is critical to change aligners when indicated and keep them clean and safe in the meantime.

Adult woman smiles after completing her 9 months of Invisalign treatment for a straight, aligned teeth.

Invisalign must be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day. It’s also important to remove the aligners when eating so they do not become damaged, broken, or stained. Water is the only food item or beverage that is permitted to be ingested while you wear Invisalign to maintain the integrity of the clear aligners. If you can’t break your all-day coffee or soda habit, your Invisalign aligners will discolor quickly, and that will defy the whole point of opting for orthodontic treatment that is under the radar. Plus, your teeth and smile will just look gross and unattractive.

One of the biggest appeals of Invisalign is its flexibility. It should not feel like one more thing that must be added to your to-do list. Invisalign will be able to blend right into your lifestyle, no matter your career, social pursuits, or family obligations. It’s easy to remove Invisalign when needed – photos, special meals, a big event – and pop the aligners right back in afterward.

Invisalign Gives Adults Healthier Smiles

The goal of Invisalign for adults is to not only correct any bite problems and misalignment but to leave you with a pain-free smile. While many people seek orthodontic treatment simply for the aesthetic value – they just want a nicer, straighter smile – many others must pursue orthodontia to eliminate a very uncomfortable condition. Teeth grinding and odd jaw positions can lead to enamel erosion, cavities, and even gum disease. And if you’re the kind of person who would rather spend less time in the dentist’s chair, Invisalign is one way to get the corrected smile you want and protect your teeth for the future.

Because adults are busy, the fewer appointments you have with your dentist the happier you will likely be. Invisalign saves time – check-ups are usually only every four to six weeks, and you will pick up your next few sets of aligners while your dentist checks on your progress.

Everything about Invisalign for adults is designed to fit into a grown-up life – Invisalign is clear, hassle-free, and convenient. In many cases, Invisalign treatment time is shorter than for traditional metal braces, wrapping up in about a year. Reinvigorate your life with a straight smile, and do it with the help of your Philadelphia dentist and Gold Provider of Invisalign, Dr. Ken Cirka.

Invisalign FAQs

What is Invisalign for adults?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment designed for adults looking to straighten their teeth discreetly. It uses a series of custom-made, clear aligners that gradually move your teeth into the desired position without the noticeable appearance of metal braces.

Who is a candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Adults with mild to moderate dental misalignments such as crowding, gaps, or certain bite irregularities may be ideal candidates for Invisalign. A consultation with one of our talented, Invisalign-trained dentists is necessary to assess your specific dental needs and determine whether Invisalign is the right option.

How does Invisalign work for adults?

Invisalign works through a series of clear, plastic aligners that are custom-made for your teeth. Each aligner is worn for about one to two weeks before moving on to the next in the series, gently shifting your teeth toward their correct positions. The process is planned out in advance using 3D computer imaging technology.

What are the benefits of Invisalign over traditional braces for adults?

Invisalign offers several advantages over traditional braces:

  • Aesthetics: The clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them less noticeable.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are generally more comfortable in your mouth with no metal brackets or wires.
  • Convenience: Aligners are removable, allowing for easier eating and oral hygiene.
  • Time: In most cases, the treatment duration with Invisalign can be shorter than with traditional braces.

Is Invisalign treatment painful?

Invisalign treatment involves some pressure and minor discomfort as teeth are being moved. However, this is typically less painful than traditional braces, with many patients reporting only temporary discomfort after switching to a new aligner set.

How long does Invisalign treatment take for adults?

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the complexity of the case and how often the aligners are worn. On average, treatment can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months, but our dentists can provide a more accurate timeline based on your individual needs and goals.

What is the recommended wearing schedule for Invisalign aligners?

For optimal results, wearing Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day is recommended. They should only be removed for eating, drinking anything other than water, brushing, and flossing.

Are there any dietary restrictions with Invisalign?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign allows you to eat and drink whatever you like. However, removing your aligners before consuming any food or beverages (except for water) is important to avoid staining them and maintain oral hygiene.

How often are follow-up appointments required during Invisalign treatment?

Typically, follow-up appointments are scheduled every four to six weeks. These visits are essential to monitor progress and receive the next set of aligners. Your dentist might adjust the schedule based on your treatment progress.

What are the oral health benefits of Invisalign for adults?

In addition to cosmetic improvements, Invisalign can enhance oral health by correcting misalignments that may lead to issues like uneven wear of teeth, difficulty cleaning teeth properly, and strain on jaw muscles. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

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