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Serious athletes are usually considered to be some of the healthiest members of society, aren’t they? Maybe they’re ahead of the general population in certain areas of well-being, but when it comes to oral health, new research is saying that runners and athletes who participate in endurance training are more likely to develop tooth erosion … Do Athletes Get More Cavities? Research Says Yes
Good oral hygiene is important, not only for looks, but for general health as well. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular check ups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with … Top 10 Reasons to Have a Dental Cleaning
At Dr. Cirka’s Dental Office, we take dentistry very seriously. But believe it or not, teeth can be fun…even funny! Here are some wild and crazy dental facts that will make you smile and improve your health as well. 1) The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime. That is enough spit … Crazy Dental Facts
To eat or not to eat? That is the question you should pose to yourself before you reach for that bag of sour gummy worms! It’s no secret to any of us that sugar isn’t good for our teeth. Our parents and dentists have reminded us since childhood not to drink too much soda or … Good vs. Evil: What Foods are Your Friends?